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Guide Alpine | © Tommaso Prugnola

Mountain Guides

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Mountain Guides

Looking forward to a magnificent vacation in the mountains in complete safety? During your holiday in the breathtaking Brenta Dolomites, which are part of the UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites, or in the Adamello Presanella mountain range, why not trust in the expertise and skills of a Mountain Guide in Val di Sole and Val Rendena. Mountain Guides are mountain experts, professionals that have a high level of preparation and technical training for all mountain activities: including climbing, ski touring, canyoning and of course all classic mountaineering activities. 

Discover the most enchanting places and panoramic sites in Val di Sole and Val Rendena together with a Mountain Guide. It will give you the chance to also learn more about the natural, cultural and anthropological heritage of our mountains and most importantly, mountain guides can recommend which activities are better suited to your needs and skills. Mountain Guides will make sure that all your outings are totally safe so that you can fully experience the mountains according to your ability level without having to worry about anything at all. They also provide useful suggestions and information on how to enjoy your adventure in the mountains in addition to teaching you how to successfully handle possible risks, dangers or unpredictable situations. 

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