So you absolutely love mountain biking and you can't wait to try all the best trails and tracks in the Dolomites, but there's just one little problem, you don't have all the right equipment. No worries at all. In Folgarida Marilleva, Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo you can rent bikes for the entire family.
You'll find all types of brands and models, from classic mountain bikes to more specific downhill and/or enduro bikes or, if you want to make pedalling a bit easier, you can always rent an e-bike, steep climbs will no longer be an obstacle for you.
The Bike Centers located in Val di Sole and Val Rendena all provide a wide range of amenities, you can rent protective gear or fine tune your bike in specialized bike shops. But if you don't feel like venturing into mountain biking on your own or if you don't have a lot of biking experience, you can always book a guided tour or take some mountain biking lessons with a professional instructor to improve your skills.
Bike rentals and amenities
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Zůstaňte v obraze o novinkách a nezapomenutelných zážitcích v areálu SkiArea!
Jak se sem dostat...
Jen několik kilometrů od dálnice Brennero A22 a nedaleko hlavních mezinárodních letišť lze do Skiareálu Madonna di Campiglio dorazit jak od údolí Val Rendena, tak od údolí Val di Sole. Autobusem, vlakem, autem… Nenechte si ujít příležitost prožít fantastickou dovolenou. Po příchodu do SkiArea najdete pohodlnou a efektivní službu udržitelné mobility.
Jak se dostat do:
Folgarida Marilleva
Madonna di Campiglio