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Ciaspole Generica 2


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Snowshoe in the woods and explore pristine natural surroundings


The silence broken only by the sound of your heart beating. Every breath you take forms a misty cloud. Every step makes a cracking sound underneath your feet. All around you, a lush forest that quietly rests during the winter months. A snowshoe outing is a unique experience that gives you the chance to really connect with nature. Leave your skis behind, put your snowshoes on and start your adventure by walking along the paths that will take you the the hidden spots in the Adamello Natural Park, surrounded by the Brenta Dolomites.

To better enjoy the beauty of nature and to discover new trails in safety, we reccomend you to rely on the professionalism of our mountain guides.

Alpine Guides Pinzolo
Alpine Guides Val di Sole
Alpine Guides Madonna di Campiglio

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