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Bike Trek Fun

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Bike Trek Fun 3 | © A. Polla


of the Dolomites

Bike Trek Fun 4 | © Camilla Pizzini


the wonders of nature

Bike Trek Fun 2


Bike Park Val Di Sole 4


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Your top mountain passions


Nature, time to relax and endless ways to have fun, in total safety and with no worries at all. Summer in the SkiArea Madonna di Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta is full of fantastic surprises for all those who love outdoor sports and who are always looking for exciting and thrilling adventures.
Boundless horizons, where you’ll forget all about the stress of life in the city: our mountains are the perfect place to surround yourself with nature, to regenerate and to get back in touch with yourself.

A skiing paradise in winter and, in summer, one of the most magnificent hiking areas in Trentino and an unparalleled biking destination. But that’s not all. Walks, horseback riding, Nordic walking, fishing, rafting, canyoning, panoramic lift tours, golfing…There are a thousand ways to relax and loads of activities to try among the mountains in Val di Sole and Val Rendena, alone or with family and friends.

Experience just what it’s like to ride the wind as you paraglide over these alpine valleys and the Brenta Dolomites as you take in all of the sights from another perspective. If instead you prefer keeping your feet on the ground, surrounded by striking mountain peaks and a mix of adrenaline and tension running through your muscles, then the vie ferratas that are located throughout the Brenta Dolomites are the perfect choice if you’re looking for a summer full of adventures.


Zůstaňte v obraze o novinkách a nezapomenutelných zážitcích v areálu SkiArea!

Jak se sem dostat...

Jen několik kilometrů od dálnice Brennero A22 a nedaleko hlavních mezinárodních letišť lze do Skiareálu Madonna di Campiglio dorazit jak od údolí Val Rendena, tak od údolí Val di Sole. Autobusem, vlakem, autem… Nenechte si ujít příležitost prožít fantastickou dovolenou. Po příchodu do SkiArea najdete pohodlnou a efektivní službu udržitelné mobility.

Jak se dostat do:
Folgarida Marilleva
Madonna di Campiglio

Logo Funiv1
Funivie Folgarida Marilleva S.p.A.
P.IVA: 00124610221
Email: info@ski.it 
Tel. +39 0463 988400
Úřední informace
Logo Funiv2
Funivie Madonna di Campiglio S.p.A.
P.IVA: 00107390221
Email: info@funiviecampiglio.it
Tel. +39 0465 447744
Úřední informace
Logo Funiv3
Funivie Pinzolo S.p.A. 
P.IVA: 00180360224
Email: info@funiviepinzolo.it
Tel. +39 0465 501256

Úřední informace


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