Zur Fußzeile

The concept "Chalet Val di Rabbi" is a project created to provide a 4-star service in a family atmosphere, where nature, human warmth and good well completely surround you to create your ideal vacation. The term "cottage comfort" all the comfort of a “superior” is founded with the familiarity of a special and friendly b & b that has preserved old times features. The term "home cottage" to give the best hospitality at lowest prices...

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Ski Start Free Ski Turbo Holiday January Special March Special Spring Special Easter Special Season Finale Skipass & Ski Schule
Du bist beim Buchen eines Artikels/Dienstes, der unter der Verantwortung vom TOURISMUSVERBAND VAL DI SOLE, PEIO UND RABBI (AZIENDA PER IL TURISMO DELLE VALLI DI SOLE, PEIO E RABBI SCPA) liegt.


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