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Built in the forties, just after the war, and named after a great mountaineer and aviator, the Refuge was intended to be a base from which to venture out onto the wild slopes of the northern Brenta and to embark on the Via delle Bocchette from the north. But now - with the arrival of the ski lifts - it is one of the main focal points for the thousands of skiers who flock to Campiglio’s pistes in winter. This is the only SAT refuge open both summer and winter, and is very popular with tourists who come here for a taste of traditional Alpine culture. Guests can enjoy the sweeping views from the terrace - ask warden Roberto Manni to help you identify the mountains: from the Brenta to Cevedale with the sun that sets behind the Adamello-Presanella group. Open All year round Before leaving for your hike...

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